Friends of Foster Kids

We are so proud to be a corporate sponsor for Friends of Foster Care. According to International Foster Care Organization, “an estimated 2,726,000 children in residential care.” Our goal is to help make the world of work, work for everyone, including and specifically for children who do not have their own network or family to rely on when they start their career journey. At Apex Placement & Consulting, we use our strengths and experience in the world of work to help mentor children through resume writing, interview practice, and creating a professional network, as well as providing work and interview apparel in an effort to remove one more barrier these children face.

Work appropriate clothing can be difficult to access when you have limited funds. With this in mind, we created a Working Wardrobe that is open to the public. If someone needs interview attire or starting in the business world, they can access the closet free of charge. In addition, our team offers benefits including coaching, resume writing, and more.

To learn more about this amazing, selfless nonprofit group please visit

As corporate sponsors APEX Placement & Consulting and Friends of Foster Kids appreciate your support. For those who are looking to donate to this worthy cause please visit the Friends of Foster Care wish list.