The Ultimate Pre-Move Checklist for Relocating for a Job

You’ve landed the job of your dreams, and now it’s time to start planning your move. Before you get too overwhelmed, take a deep breath, and use this ultimate pre-move checklist to make sure you have everything covered.

Step 1: Choose Your Location

The first step in relocating for a job is choosing where to live. Do some research on different neighborhoods and suburbs to find the best fit for you. Consider your budget, commute time, lifestyle, and amenities that are important to you.

Once you’ve narrowed your search, schedule time to visit your top neighborhoods to get a feel for the area. Then, start looking for apartments online to rent; listings will give you an idea of how much you can expect to pay. Save enough money for your security deposit, first and last month’s rent, and any other fees associated with your new home.

Once you’ve chosen a home, call the utility companies in your area, and set up service for water, electricity, and gas. If you’re renting, your landlord may be able to help you set up utilities. 

Step 2: Obtain Supplies

Now that you know where you’re moving, it’s time to start planning. To make packing more efficient, you need certain supplies.

  • Boxes for packing your belongings. You can never have enough boxes, so stock up before you start packing.
  • Bubble wrap for fragile items. If you’re on a budget, use clothing, such as socks and T-shirts, to protect your items.
  • Colorful markers to label your boxes. Using different colored labels or packing tape can help you keep track of what’s in each box and where it needs to go in your new home.

Step 3: Create a Packing Plan

Create a timeline and checklist for the tasks you need to complete before your move. Start by going through your belongings and deciding what you plan to bring with you and what you plan to sell, donate, or leave behind. Next, start packing in advance, so you’re not scrambling at the last minute. Manage your time by setting aside one hour a day to pack.

  • Start packing nonessential belongings.
  • Box essentials, and keep them handy.
  • Pack a “moving day” bag with snacks, water, toiletries, and anything else you may need on the day of your move.
  • Schedule a time to disconnect your utilities at your current home.
  • Notify your landlord or property manager of your move-out date.

If you have young children or pets, pack their belongings last, so you can keep them with you during the move.

Step 4: Hire a Moving Company

Now that you’ve packed your belongings, it’s time to move them to your new home. If you’re hiring a moving company, research companies. Read reviews and compare prices before you make a decision. If you’re not hiring a moving company, you need to rent or borrow a truck. Factor in the cost of gas and tolls when you’re budgeting for your move.

Organization Helps Things Go Smoothly

With adequate foresight, research (from apartments to real estate), and planning, your move to your new city can go smoothly. Just make sure you keep the tips above in mind when you sit down to map out your strategy.

If you’re looking for work after relocation, get in touch with Apex Staffing to help you find the perfect job. Call us today at (248) 422-3100.

Article by Emily Graham.